More on Transformation By Design
Congrats to Emma Jefferies, Joyce Tee and Kamil Michlewski on the publication of their new book Transformations / 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design. We are delighted to be included in this new book examining how design/design thinking is changing…indeed has already changed!
“Tracking how design has changed in previous book Design Transitions has inevitably led the authors to explore how organisations are changing using design. Design is now the key driver of innovation and change within organisations across the globe. It is therefore important to learn how, when and why to use design to drive change in your organisation.
Transformations documents how design is being used to support change across different organisations, countries and sectors, sharing the stories of experts in their fields at varying stages of their transformative journeys.”
“Expert Interviews” include:
GK VanPatter: Humantific / USA
Peter Coughlan: Consultant / USA
Mark Vernooj: THNK/ The Netherlands
Mariana Amatullo: Design Matters / USA
Brenton Caffin: Nesta / United Kingdom
Christian Bason: Danish Design Center / Denmark
Beatriz Lara Bartolomé: Imersivo / Spain