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Enabling Design Thinking

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: May 1, 2019

Humantific CoFounder GK VanPatter writes about one particular “fuzzy misperception wave” often appearing in Linkedin discussion groups.

“With some design thinking related discussion groups on LinkedIn now exceeding 80,000+ members, many new to the subject terrain, it is not so unusual for enthusiastic fuzzy misperception waves to build from one conversation to the next at a rapid rate. Like a fire-hose of run-away freight trains misperception waves seem to appear via social media at volumes that are no longer possible to intercept or comment on.

With everyone busy most practice leaders just let the waves flow hoping they will sort themselves out eventually. Some do. Some don’t. Some fuzzy waves are at times humorous and at other times painful to watch as they take hold and or grow.

Opposite to Donald Trump’s twitter postings, most practice leaders try to select their discussion participations and contributions carefully in consideration of limited time constraints..:-)

In this vein and considering the increasing impact of discussion groups we try to pick and choose which fuzzy misperception waves are important enough to comment on, to make more sense of and or to offer an alternate perspective on for our Humantific readers.

One such misperception wave, popular at the moment is depicting Design Thinking as a “mindset” thing.

Often seen in discussion threads is this murky phrase: “Design Thinking is a mindset not a process.”…On and on it goes being reposted many times by its advocates.”



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