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Ackoff Puzzle 1 Analysis


Posted to the Humantific sponsored Design for Complexity LinkedIn Group we participated in the new Puzzle Analysis Series contributing our analysis and commentary on the "Russ Ackoff" puzzle diagram (source internet) and how it relates, or not, to innovation enabling practice today.

The original puzzle diagram is seen above. Photos from the Humantific analysis pinned up in our New York City studio are below. Shifting to a team based picture was central to how we made sense of the "Russ Ackoff" diagram and its interconnected philosophies, paradigms and methodologies circa 1970s.

Many of those paradigms remain active in various consultancies and organizations today. Once the team model is introduced, the problematic nature of the 1970s paradigms, that position convergent thinking as the highjest form of value become more clear. It is a scenario that we often encounter in large organizations struggling with innovation.

In this analysis we are working accross several communities of practice that we belong to, participate in and contribute to. This is intended toi be "sketch" work in progress. Stay tuned for part 2.

Stay Tuned for PART 2!

If your have any questions feel free to send us an email: kickitup (at) humantific (dot) com


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