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Accelerating Civic Innovation

Writer: AdminAdmin

Ten Key 2015 Considerations

Building on our work in progress Humantific CoFounder GK VanPatter shares insights on operationalizing civic innovation capacity building today. Humantific is proud to be a founding member of HumanCities Collaborative a new multi-firm consortium created to help civic leaders operationalize human-centered civic innovation in tangible, understandable and scalable ways. 

“Today in 2015 savvy civic leaders are already recognizing that innovation is key not only to success but to survival in a continuously changing world. Constituent expectations are changing and city governments are often expected to do more with less. 

It is no secret that historically most government systems, structures and skill-sets have been focused on preforming efficiently, reliably rather than on adaptability and driving change. That picture is not just changing. It has already changed. Today more than 40 cities in the United States and 100 + cities globally have begun working on turning the corner towards what is often framed as adaptability, resilience, flexibility, and or ambidexterity. These terms have become key objectives in the civic innovation arena.

Realization of need for change is a great first step. We call that MindShift. After realization of need for innovation comes the heavy lift of operationalizing civic innovation and this is where HumanCities Collaborative works. Our focus is on SkillShift, CultureShift &CapacityShift.”

HumanCities Collaborative Team:

Humantific SenseMaking for ChangeMaking

Insitum Innovation Through Research

Measure of America Creating Societal Understanding

OpenCrowd Custom Technology Solutions

Our Mission & Approach

The HumanCities Collaborative is an international team of leading multidisciplinary practitioners dedicated to helping city governments power their civic innovation initiatives. We are here to help civic leaders operationalize human-centered civic innovation in tangible, understandable and scalable ways.

We bring a diversity of skills to the table that includes: innovation strategy cocreation, design thinking, change-making, custom data analytics, design research, visual-sensemaking, custom city data analytics platforms, custom mobile applications, community engagement, civic innovation team skill-building and civic innovation lab building.

Our hybrid approach is human-centered in orientation and focused to assist both the internal staff within city agencies as well as the people that governments ultimately serve.

10 Things We Can Help Civic Leaders With Today

We can help you:

1. Create a tangible civic innovation strategy for your city. 2. Tackle fuzzy complex challenges in real time. 3. Bridge across vertical silos within government. 4. Undertake custom societal data analytics. 5. Supercharge community engagement capabilities. 6. Design & build customized digital data analytics platforms. 7. Design & build mobile data-driven applications. 8. Build next generation civic innovation leadership capacity. 9. Operationalize your civic innovation intentions. 10. Become a civic innovation leader.

To Start a Conversation Contact: 

Maki Kawaguchi HumanCities Collaborative 6 West 18th Street, 9th Floor New York City, NY 10011 T:  212-660-2577 inquire (at) humancitiescollaborative (dot) org


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